Seriously, wtf?! This book was as weird as A Clockwork Orange but not half as interesting. My thoughts after reading it are all centred around "eh?" with a good bit of "huh?" thrown in there too.
The basic gist of the plot actually had some great potential, it focused on Greek folklore/mythology, particularly surrounding Pandora's box. But it just didn't work! The author constantly switched viewpoints between five teenagers, the dreaded last remaining prisoner in Pandora's box, and then some seemingly random third-person crap. Confusing much?? And I've never been one to fall for the: messy writing = literary technique to show the inner turmoil of the characters. This rarely works, the most successful case being The Bell Jar and that was probably only because Sylvia Plath actually was a stark-raving lunatic so no pretense required(but an admittedly good writer too).
It was just all over the place and I couldn't connect with any one of the five teenagers because the book kept jumping from one to the other all the time. And even if it hadn't I'm not so sure any of them would have been particularly likeable... both boys were annoying, one seemed to also be a potentially murderous psychopath... Jenna drooled over annoying guy number 1 and also frequently pretended to be scared so the boys wouldn't think her too strong-willed and aggressive because these are not good traits for a female (?!)... Maude was a wet lettuce... and the only thing I remember about Dilly is that her parents hated her enough to name her 'Daffodil'.
I actually expected better. I'm not quite sure why because the novel doesn't have many ratings or reviews; I think it's just 'cause I keep seeing a number of Julie Hearn books at my local library, I've picked them up a few times, thought they sounded good... and then ended up leaving them for something else. Maybe by putting it off I have somehow worked myself up to be amazed when I finally gave in. Well, no, the mish-mashed plot and painfully irritating characters simply gave me a headache. Jeez, glad it's over.