The Boyfriend List: 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver - E. Lockhart I remember being 12 years old and thinking I was pretty much awesomeness personified for reading books like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights when all the other kids were reading Roald Dahl. Since then I seem to be going backwards and reading all the books I should have read prior to my 16th birthday, like Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging and also this one. And I love them! It just goes to show how a book doesn't have to be a couple of centuries old and a household name to be awesome.

I loved Ruby Oliver and, as a former clueless adolescent myself, I also understood her. She doesn't colour over the truth, in fact her voice is refreshingly honest and so so funny. E. Lockhart, for me, seems very good at portraying the newfound sexuality of a young girl, like with the realisation that, not only does Ruby not slap him and yell "ewww!" when Cabbie feels her up in the cinema, she actually likes it (shock, horror!). I think this is a great novel for teenage girls (and boys too, if they so wish), it addresses the 'slut' issue with humour and without being all up-in-your-face feminazi. It made me laugh and held underlying messages - it was always going to be a winner!

It's probably a 5 star read if I'm honest but I always like to wait until I've read more when it's only the first in a series. Either way, thank you Tatiana for the reviews that made me read this great book.