The main characters - Alana and Marko - make an hilarious and lovable duo that also offer a realistic portrayal of a relationship between two young lovers with a baby they hadn't planned for. They love each other and their baby daughter. They bicker. They support each other. As different as they may first seem from us regular humans, they are also easy to relate to and I was surprised at how quickly I found myself invested in their story. Alana is tough, loves a good dose of sarcasm and snark, and she isn't afraid to say what she thinks or kick some ass if the occasion calls for it. Gentle, well-meaning pacifist Marko is the complete opposite and they balance each other out so well.
It's strange how easily Vaughan managed to juggle several subplots in just 160 pages. The story jumps from scene to scene, introducing new characters at every turn but somehow dealing each one out with enough impact to ensure you don't forget who they are when you're redirected to the next exciting subplot. I, for one, am very excited to see what volume two will bring and I may have to check out some of Vaughan's other series in the meantime or I risk going crazy waiting for more.
p.s. Isn't this one of the most disturbing things ever? 'Cause I think so.